Singing Guide: World of Warcraft

Singing Guide: World of Warcraft

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

World of Warcraft is a fantastic game with a massive fan base. It is renowned for its immersive world, interesting storylines, and diverse characters. To learn how to sing like a WoW character, we need to look at unique vocal techniques used by some of the game's iconic singers. Some of these techniques include growling, screaming and vibrato.

Growling is a popular technique used in many of the game's heavy metal-inspired tracks. To learn how to growl, Singing Carrots provide a great instructional video by Melissa Cross called "The Zen of Screaming." This video guides you through various warm-up exercises, and covers different types of growls.

When it comes to screaming, WoW characters like Illidan Stormrage and Lady Sylvanas are the perfect examples of how to bring this technique to life. As you might expect from screaming, this technique can be tough on your throat if used incorrectly, so it's crucial to learn how to do it safely. Singing Carrots provides an instructional video on how to scream without damaging your voice by Mary Z - "Scream Singing: The Basics".

Some WoW characters, like Thrall, use vibrato to add character and emotion to their singing. Vibrato is a technique where the singer's voice fluctuates slightly in pitch to achieve a more complex and rounded sound. To learn how to use vibrato, Singing Carrots have a fantastic video edition called "Vibrato: Why-When-How". This video covers the different types of vibrato and how to add it to your singing without straining your voice.

To put these techniques into practice, you need to incorporate them into the songs you want to sing. WoW has an extensive collection of tracks, each with unique vocal techniques that can help you enhance your singing skills. Singing Carrots' Song search tool makes it easier to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

Make sure to warm up your voice correctly before you begin singing. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training is an excellent resource for vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

In conclusion, to learn how to sing like a WoW character, you need to learn the unique vocal techniques used by the game's iconic singers. Incorporating these vocal techniques into WoW's tracks is a great way to practice bringing them to life. With the help of Singing Carrots' vocal range test, Song search, Pitch Training, instructional videos, and singing course, you can master singing like a WoW character in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.